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----- Original Message -----
From: <DMANX@...>
To: <>
Cc: <gary@...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 12:49 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] please help
> Yes i have read the manual on 150an edit and help files,I fing it very
complex to understand the parameters on how to create your own sound.It
looks if one needs a degree in physics to understand this card.Is there a
dummies guide with diagrams?I just twiddle the vitual dials on screen to
find out what effects they have on sound....quickest way to find out i
guess.However,can someone please simply advise me step by step how use
genetex v.2 to greate a morph,or any other way?I tried using free EG to
change the sound or create new ones but did not notice any change at all.I
think the card sounds great ,has great potential but very complex to use.YES
im a amature to anolog synthisis but i have to start somewhere.
> Regards DMNAX.
> --------------------
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