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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] NOT EnouGF!!!

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2001-05-05

You're right. Sorry. Who would need 128 patches for a single gig?

What I meant to say was that when I'm composing, there are certain types of
sounds that I would like to search through. If the AN1x had more internal
memory, this would be easy. But since 128 patches are all that are
available from the front panel, I guess I will have to get off of my lazy
butt and use the editor to bunch the patches together by "type". This might
take a while, and it will be entirely subjective according to my personal
idea of what sounds "go together" to make a file. Then I could load them
from the editor. When I get the files together, I will stop complaining,
and report them to the group.


> Hi
> I think that everyone would have liked more patches and banks in the
AN1X, but from your thread i sounds like you only have an AN1X. I also play
live, but I have never had the need for loading new patches in the middle of
a gig. Just curious.....why the need for loading new sounds???????
> Jan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ed Edwards
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 5:19 AM
> Subject: [AN1x-list] NOT EnouGF!!!
> Sorry about this gripe, but I'd like to ask if anyone has a solution to
> problem of ONLY 128 PATCHES in the AN1x? Novices beware --- but for the
> extreme possibilities this synth is capable of, 128 patches is not
> enough for the composing musician to really use all of this synth. (OK,
> realize with "scenes" there are 256 patches, but usually the scenes are
> to vary parameters, not for a completely different sound.)
> Is there a simple way to load a new bank up live?
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