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> Hi there..!!Hello, welcome to the list :-)
>Please read the Cakewalk + PLG150 articles from Gary G. in the Tips &
> My name is Jordi. First of all, I would like to explain my problem.
> Basically, I've the SW1000XG + PLG150-AN. I've 4 synts more, but all is
> going ok on my PC. The Problem is in using PLG + SW1000xg.
> According with Gary (thanks for your superb work!!), the plg uses a part of
> the sw1000xg. Well, I've configured two Hubi's midi cable LB1 <-> Sw1000xg 1
> Synth and the Lb2 <-> Sw1000xg 2. First question: Have I must any care with
> filter Midi msgs an so on in the Hubi's configuration?? (Think about I would
> to record the system Exclusive on realtime over CakeWalk (next with sonar xl
> when avaiable)).
>See the Tips & Tricks and please search the archive - this not an
> Second question. I like to use the AN1Xedit of Gary. Well, When I load a
> bank, How can I use the sounds of the bank loaded??. I can hear the plg on
> cake, but when i use the patch change, I hear the default patches again...
> What's wrong on my configuration??.
>See the above comments.
> Third (and last!! ;-)). If anybody is using the system PLG+SW1000+Cake
> correctly, I would like to get VERY DETAILED CONFIG about the Midi system,
> including Hubi's and son on...
> Many thanks in advance to all people that is making this e-group
> possible....
> Bye!!
> Jordi Mayor Gisbert
> Alcoi (Alicante)