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Subject: Re: Rm1x and An1x

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-05-01

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Aireq" <aireq@u...> wrote:
> Is there any way to use my RM1x to store backups of voices from my AN1x on a
> floppy disk?
> aireq

Can the RM1x accepts SysEx dumps from an external device? What does
the RM1x list say about this? I've not read a RM1x manual so I've no
idea how much memory the RM1x has built in for this type of function or
if it is even offered on the RM1x. I'd certainly hope so! If I'm not
mistaken this was a feature of some old Roland hardware sequencer's -
maybe Alesis' too.

A full SysEx dump from the AN1x is very large. You'd probably want to
take advantage of the Bulk dump options to dump the contents of memory
by segments (for lack of a better description) and save them as
seperate directories on your external hardware, i.e., dump 1-64 vce,
then dump 65-128 vce, etc. as oppossed to 'all' - that might overwhelm
the storage capacity for an external hardware sequencer.

