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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] how it turned out

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2001-04-26


>i also have a problem with my ram. i have 256mb and
>when i try to install another 128 MB my computer gives
>me a message that i don't have enough memory to run
>the current application...the guy said he would fix it
>for me because it is still under waranty. he said that the
>reason the computer does not accept the ram might have
>to do with windows and he might have to re-install it.

This explanation is invalid, IMHO. I've never heard of Windows software
preventing the installation of hardware. A more likely issue is that the
128 MB DIMM that you are installing is incompatible with the memory already
in your system; i.e., a hardware issue. If you check the memory
"installed" when the 128 MB is added, I'll bet your computer thinks it's
less than 256MB -- probably, a lot less.

>i've also had my icons mis-matched, for example- my
>wave files have the icon for the internet dialer?

This is not all that serious; your icon cache -- a method Windows uses to
save time when accessing icons -- has been corrupted. This happens to me
about once every 2-4 months. I use a shareware program called Microangelo
Engineer that can rebuild the icon cache. There may be others out there
that do the same thing.



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions"
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.776.0096 fax