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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Hoover Sounds

From: Sayer <sayerseely@...>
Date: 2001-04-25

--- Elson Trinidad <elson@...> wrote:
> It's basically a type of synth bass sound.

Then I guess I don't know what it is either. I always thought it was a
re-creation of the "Hoover" patch found on the Roland Alpha Juno. I would not
have considered this to be a bass sound, but a distorted lead sound.... The
problem was that the patch on the Juno was unuseable for anything musical,
people ended up sampling bits of it and using them instead.

Now I am curious to hear what the Hoover sound is that you all are talking


Sayer's music: (Electronica, Trance & Techno) ("Classic" Electronic Music)

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