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> --- Shayne Hardesty <shayne@...> wrote:
> > Ok, maybe it's my fault for naming my cat Sasha (after the DJ), but
> > lately she has quite a fetish for my AN1x... For some reason every
> > morning around 6am she decides to stroll across my synth and usually
> > manages to screwup whatever sound I'm working on. Grr. Besides that
> > annoyance I'm quite afraid she's going to jump on it wrong and send the
> > whole stand crashing to the floor.. Anyone have any ideas for keeping
> > Sasha away from my synth? ;)
> One of my cats jumped on the end of my CS1x and flipped it off of the stand a
> few months ago. Luckily no damage was done to the synth.
> Another time we had guests over for dinner and all of a sudden a CS1x arp
> pattern started playing from the studio. Our guests asked what the music was
> and we said it was our cat playing the synthesizer. They did not believe us, so
> we had to interrupt dinner and go downstairs to show them. When we walked in
> the cat was sleeping on the CS1x. I snapped a picture:
> I tried for years to keep the cats off the synths, but in the end they won out!
> :-)
> Sayer
> =====
> Sayer's music:
> (Electronica, Trance & Techno)
> ("Classic" Electronic Music)
> Sayer's studio:
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