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Subject: Re: Serious Question: How do I keep my cat off my synth?

From: tspeer <tspeer@...>
Date: 2001-04-24

> Anyone have any ideas for keeping
> Sasha away from my synth? ;)

I can't top Elson's barking sampler and G. Bravetti's warm ASR10 (brilliant
people on this list !!).

But I can't help thinking a decoy synth is a good solution.
Animals are used in therapy to calm people---
So I think having a pet around helps calm you down after fighting buggy
With this in mind- banishing said beastie is not a good idea.

So we need a DECOY SYNTH.

It has to be attractive to the cat (to get it away from the AN1x).

Find a crappy old organ or portable Casio and do these things to it....

1. place it low near the ground so Kitty can easily jump on it.
2. dip an old towel or cloth in 9lives seafood juice and put it on top of
the decoy synth.
3. (this part will do the trick) write the word "EXPENSIVE" on the decoy- or
place a "KEEP OFF" sign near the decoy. Kitty should go right for it.

If that doesn't work, the cat may just be smarter than we are- with

Todd S.
Sierra Madre Cinema Council

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