Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: tweaking knobs in AN1x edit crashes my pc!! why God????? why???
From: "i don't have one!" <elektro_dan@...>
Date: 2001-04-24
i was making some new sounds on my plg150an using AN1x edit and i had
made some new drum&bass sounds. i spent hours tweaking and adjusting
till these sounds were just right and as i was testing out these
sounds my computer screen went black and it (the computer)
re-started!! these sounds are now lost forever!! oh s%@t, i said
i have been noticing that this has been happening to me alot latley.
but only with certian sounds.
these sounds are heavily distorted, alot of filter modulation and
renosance. lots of feedback to!!.
some of the sounds are just the filter self oscillating with bizzare
modulation. i also used my pitch bend wheel to control the VCF mod
depth and went nuts till my ears bleed and i was seeing sound waves!!
it couldn't have been excessive vibration from the sounds that caused
my computer to shutdown because i was wearing earphones.
the bass would have blown my tannoy's!!! wholy RMS!!!!
my PC's not that bad either, it's less than a year old,
pentium 3, 933MHz, 256MB RAM, 7200rpm IDE, running windows 98se.
the second time it crashed like this ,this evening, i got a message on
a blue screen titled "WINDOWS" as follows>............
"(an exception 0d has occured at 0028:00010004 in vxd---.
this was called from 0028:c15d0430 in vxd---.
it may be possible to continue normally.)"
press ctrl-alt -del to blah, blah, blah, and so on.
but it was not possible to continue normally!.
more sounds lost to the machine!!.
mabye this is God's way of making me sleep at night???
"mabye if his computer crashes he'll giveup and go to sleep tonight??"
anyway, what i would like to know is that has this happened to anyone
else and how can i make it go away????
THANKS in advance,,,