Richard wrote:
this is about the PLG150AN's inability to send bulk dumps, .......To me, it
seems that Yamaha made a mistake leaving this functionality out of the
PLG150AN (or maybe it's the fault of the host device, I'm not sure). I'm
using a CS6x myself. Anyway, I think it is really important to have this
The lack of bulk dump appears to be a feature of all PLG cards. As I have
said before, my guess is that Yamaha reasoned " since the cards have no user
interface, all edits must be performed via external software.....hence you
ought to already have all the parameters in that software". Whilst I don't
entirely agree with this philosophy, I don't feel it is 'really important'
to have this functionality.
The CS6x like other XG host devices can apply offsets to the voice
parameters stored in the patches of the card. These are termed 'quick edits'
and are simply XG offset parameters applied by the host processing. You can
normally access these parameters directly from the host front panel (and can
bulk dump them)....but they are NOT true AN voice patch parameters. (I
believe the XGworks AN editor caters for these parameters in its easy edit
mode). You can also apply them using the standard PART parameters of my
As for the PLG150AN presets supplied with AN1xEdit....(as already
explained), I simply extracted these from Yamahas own XGworks editor. I
don't really care whether they are 100% correct, its not something that I
think is worth spending any great deal of time on. An1xEdit is designed for
creating voices....and the supplied presets are good enough for that purpose
(i.e. using the preset voices as a starting point). Bear in mind that if you
use An1xEdit to edit the voice, you will be starting with what AN1xEdit
dumps to the card....NOT what's in the ROM.
Any chance of modifying AN1xEdit so it can read PLG150AN ".S2B" files?
I have no idea what a '.S2B' file is...but I suspect its some kind of file
saved by the CS6x. If so it probably only contains the host offsets as
described above. In which case they are more applicable to a CS6x/XG editor
than an AN1x editor!
Gary Gregson