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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] fwd: OT : samplers

From: "Tim Clarke" <tim@...>
Date: 2001-04-18

I love the Kurzweil samplers. They sound nice and punchy, they are built like tanks, VAST is great (like having incredible DSP on every patch), Kurzweil has continued to support them and provide OS upgrades, and there is a HUGE repository of patches and samples available online. The usual gripes are: low note polyphony (24 on the K2000, 48 on the K2500), lame factory presets, lame ROM samples, and a geekish user interface. VAST makes up for the ROM set--if you know what you're doing you can get what you need out of it. The filters are OK, but nothing like any of the good VA synths out there...



Timothy Steven Clarke
Sound Artist/CEO,
Score! Music & Sound Design, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: dbase789@...
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] fwd: OT : samplers

I consider getting a kurzweil k2000 in the next few days. (alredy
monday;) Does anybody has an experience of this unit (rackmount one) ?
This has 8megs, v3.?x, a 100megs zip and sample opt
Also, does anyone has experience with VAST, and how it compares with
substractive synthesis? seems pretty powerfull, and I saw on kurzweil
web-site they reproduced many old analog synths ..
Thanks in advance.

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