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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: Synths

From: "Grant Davies" <grant@...>
Date: 2001-04-13

It's been months since I've played one and I liked it very much. I
thought Korg nailed the user inteface - much better than Roland did
with the JP8000 (I compare them because they struck me as similar,
old school type interfaces.) How do you feel about the MS2K Filter
and Depth settings? I'd read some hoopla on the 'net but couldn't
discern how much of it was genuine vs. crapola?

we have both a JP8080 and I'd say the MS2000 is a little fatter, its more
like a juno or jupiter on steroids.. (My juno has a voice out again so its
in the naughty synth corner right now) very fat and very easy to peak out
your meter on.. I use digital effects but I'm going to put a compressor on
this just for safelty...;o) I like the filters.. the hpf filter rocks as
does the 24db.. I think the 12db filter could have been a bit harsher...

I'm on record as being a fan of the Nord Lead 2. I _love_ that user
interface! In particular, layering and synchronizing Arppegiated
sounds. I wish the AN1x had an Arp/Seq per Scene - that would be
awesome. ∗AND∗ they should have replaced the parameter select knob
with a column of illuminated buttons - like the A3000 (∗AND∗ decent
display too!)

We have one a NORD too, my business partner loves it, I have not played
with it enough to love it, I may take it home one of these nights and get
into it..


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