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> Hi Mert
> I am pleased you like AN1xEdit. Since the tool is free, I would advise you
> update to the latest version (v1.1). It does offer several fixes and new
> features; such as the conversion of PLG150AN .ANP files. So even if you
> don't use the PLG card, you can still make use of voices created for it with
> your AN1x.
> Regards
> Gary Gregson
> Email:gary@...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: matahari [mailto:mboru@...]
> Sent: 12 April 2001 12:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] AN1xEdit v1.1
> Dear Gary,
> As a proud user of AN1xEdit v1.021, I am very happy with it. Do you
> recommend me
> to upgrade to v1.1? Does the new version offers optimizations/fixes etc. for
> the
> AN1x visual editing tools? Or, no need to do that since the latest upgrade
> is
> totally dedicated to PLG150AN?
> Thanks for the grrrrreat tool.
> Kind Regards,
> Mert
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