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--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Blades" <redbrickdream@g...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> When I checked out the plug-in editor for the AN through XGWorks, I
> that it says that the "preset voices" are in ROM, not the user
area...I have
> the PLG150-AN, which I did not think had any presets in ROM. So
here's the
> question:
> Does anyone have those voices in a form where they could get them
to ANP or
> AN1 format so I can read them into AN1xedit? I would just load
them into
> the card and "paste" them into the other editor, but apparently,
the card
> can't work that way because of its lack of full dumping capability.
> Thanks for any help.
> Blades