Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Looking for patches
From: "Blades" <redbrickdream@...>
Date: 2001-04-12
Hi all,
When I checked out the plug-in editor for the AN through XGWorks, I noticed
that it says that the "preset voices" are in ROM, not the user area...I have
the PLG150-AN, which I did not think had any presets in ROM. So here's the
Does anyone have those voices in a form where they could get them to ANP or
AN1 format so I can read them into AN1xedit? I would just load them into
the card and "paste" them into the other editor, but apparently, the card
can't work that way because of its lack of full dumping capability.
Thanks for any help.