gary -
i believe that this question has been asked before.
actually, i think i was the one who asked it... but
i've read something recently that has prompted me
to ask one more time.
is it possible to combine 2 plg150-an's to achieve
10-note polyphony, and the phat sounds of the an1x?
page 169 of the cs6x manual describes the plg screens.
one of the parameters is PLG Status [Expand]. here
is the description of this param:
"This parameter is accessible only when you have two
identical Plug-in boards installed on the instrument.
The "part" setting enables two boards to work
seperately (you can select them in two different
Parts). The "poly" setting enables two boards to work
together to double polyphonic notes (you can only
them in a single Part with double polyphony)."
would AN1xEdit have to "know" about this in order for
it to work correctly?
cheers ~ jason
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