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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Timbrality issue once more

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-04-11

I have been looking at samplers recently and it would appear that the
Yamaha A4000 is a good deal, 64 note poly, 4 or 6 outs standard, 96 FX
types over 3 FX blocks, 16 Filter types, FX etc. Are midi syncable,
Comes with built in sscsi/IDE for chucking upto an 8gb HDD or a CDRW or
CDR drive in or Jaz/zip, all for £589 UKp

In article <F53aqbC8wSA1XvpFVjC000049eb@...>, Bjrn Standal
<standal2000@...> writes
>Hi gang
>I know we've been through this topic before, but I just need confirmation. I
>see my AN1X standing there with incredible possibillities, beautiful sounds
>and its great keyboard, and then all I can think off is its damn monotimbral
>(bi-timbral at most) shortcomings.
>Is there a reason for VA's to have less polyphony and timbrality than
>sampled-based synths? Even the new Supernova 2 only got eight part
>multitimbrality. It's just enough for basic songs, but I think 16 part
>multitimbrality is a minimum. Even my trusty DJX got that.
>I extensively use MIDI (without being a guru, far from it), and in that
>sense the AN1X is near to useless in complete songmaking as I can only use
>one sound in every song. Sure there must be a way to at least use different
>sounds in a track, albeit not at the same time? Is there something like a
>patch-change command I can send to my AN1X? I use Cakewalk 8.0.
>Was wondering if I should invest in a sampler so I could sample my AN1X and
>use it as a multitimbral AN1X-emulator. Don't know which sampler's got the
>best filters and effects, though... But that's a whole 'nother story.
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