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Subject: Yamaha SW1000XG and VH PLG board for sale

From: "Simon Engelhart" <almax@...>
Date: 2001-04-09


I know this isn't exactly in topic but with the sw1000xg offering the
ability to add the plg150-an board, I thought some maybe interested.
I am offering an SW1000XG + the PLG150 VH (Vocal Harmony) board for
sale. Both items have been in my computer for 6 months but have just
not been used, hence the sale. They were part of an oem system and
therefore will not come in a sw1000xg box but are complete with
manuals and drivers (though as with all yamaha computer stuff, the
manuals ain't up to much). Sensible offers please to
almax@.... As a guide the SW1000XG on its own retails at
£399 brand new with the daugherboards going between £100 and £200.

