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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Windows 2000

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-04-04

This is an old thread and rather off-topic, but...

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>

> Furthermore the stability of Win2K is superb. I can run my systems for
> at a time without a reboot or fatal crash (and even then the crashes are
> normally caused by some major errant code I am in the process of
> :-)

Funny. Our Unix machine (one of those 1U 19" Sun servers, with dual
processors, 1 Gb memory and some 200 Gb disc) has been up for 142 days now.
It basically shoves around the data of all the pre-paid mobile phone calls,
running into some 200 Mb of data per day (it's a small country). At the
moment, I'm straining it to the limit by loading several months' worth of
data. Looking up what calls someone made in that month - where you have to
look through millions of calls - takes two or three seconds.

Pro audio software running on Unix, now that's another story. :) But the
fact that Unix (actually, Mach and BSD) are the basis of MacOS X made my
decision to move from Windows to MacOS.

After I buy a car and pay for my honeymoon, that is. :)

- Peter