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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Midi clock signal

From: RayMaxer <digil@...>
Date: 2001-04-02

That's the stupid'est problem of Cakewalk ..
You either have to use something like Hubi driver (shitty way) or use other
sequencer - Logic or Cubase ...
Also - AFAIK - AMT8 midi interface has a "global port" besides the 1....8
one's which you can use a target for cakewalk's clock then ...
But I am not sure if it was AMT8 ?

tam_ger@... wrote:

> Hi does anyone know how i can send two midi clock signals to two
> seperate ports? My Gear: ANx (of course) and a MC505, midiman 4x4
> usb. The 505 will not pass on clock signal. Im controlling the gear
> through a master sequencer (cakewalk 9)
> In cakewalk there is only one port that you can send a clock signal
> to.
> Thanks for any input.
> Gerry B
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