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Subject: Re: piano sounds

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-04-02

What about the PLG150PF board? I recall reading some positive
comments in regards to its sound set. Is anybody using this or
planning to buy one?

Could be a viable alternative for those who own Yamaha kit that
accepts the plug-in board. Or even the Plugstation for that matter...


--- In AN1x-list@y..., leo <tubeman@d...> wrote:
> > > Come on guys - there must be someone who has a patch which
> > > something like a real piano. There are plenty of electic piano
> > > organ noises and at the end of the day, a piano sound is only a
> > > waveform.
> > >
> > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > >
> If you are a piano player that uses the real thing,
> it will be very hard for you to find an electronic alternative.
> However,
> After many years of searching ,
> I did find myself a good alternative.
> It is also a Yamaha keyboard.
> The Yamaha P-150.
> It costs a bunch of $$ ( around $1300-1500 used )
> They don't make this model anymore but IMHO
> it is the best sounding model Yamaha ever put out.
> It comes with 88 keys that feels just right.
> A sampler is also an alternative but I prefer the P-150 anyday
> over any sampling option.
> that is if you like the sound of the big Yamaha concert grand Piano.
> LZ