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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Windows 2000

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2001-03-28


Just my $0.02, as someone who spent 10 years in PC development ...

>--- In AN1x-list@y..., DMANX@t... wrote:
> >
> > Please can someone adivise me on the following.
> > Im thining of upgrading from win98 toi win2000,so i can use dual
> processing,multitask,and stability.
>So, in other words, you're willing to trade the devil you know for the
>one you don't? ;-)
>I can't answer your Win2K vs. WinME vs. Win98 questions but, IMO, I'd
>stick with what works TODAY and let the other play guinea pig. There
>will be ample time to play catch up later on - once the bugs are worked
>out. Vendors such as Yamaha are in this for the long haul - they'll
>offer a working solution sooner or later.

Yeah, dual processing, stability, etc. -- that's the plan, anyway. It's
not as straightforward as it should be, though. Win2K supports dual
processors, but that doesn't mean that all applications will use the
capabilities. Windows tries to divvy up the tasks, but the algorithms used
are crude. Unless an application is designed for multi-CPU, don't expect
more than a couple of percent boost in performance.

The multitasking stability is definitely better, although Windows is a
cooperative multitasker, so it's probably still not 100%.

The multimedia support, however, is suspect, IMHO. Win2K code comes from
the NT side of things, and sound card and other MM support has always been
so-so on that end. Virtualized multimedia drivers are at a disadvantage
over brute force methods like VxD, and it often takes a while to iron out
the wrinkles. Also, this is the first generation of USB support on the NT
side, so plan on Microsoft screwing a couple of things up this round.

I agree with Jon: If it's working now, do you really want to go through
1-2 months of potential Hell to upgrade?

> > I know some xg users are using win2000,but yamaha R&D say stay away
> from it,so why have win2000 drivers on the yamaha web site?
>If you review the text which accompanies that Win2K driver you'll
>notice that it refers to the same conditions under which the NT driver
>is posted: It's beta and the won't support it (or take responsibility
>for its performance) until it's certified. I'm uncertain why but this
>appears to be the trend for public beta programs and many of the
>Soundcard vendors exercise the same policy.
>Gary, if you see this you know what's the reasoning behind
>this practice - is it just CYA? I know Echo had this policy for
>many, many months while their latest Mac drives were in public beta -
>up until Feb. in fact. Okay, granted the driver has been working fine
>with my Gina...

It's a very bad extension of a terrible trend that arose about 6-7 years
ago in computer products -- releasing new models/versions before they are
really ready for production. By listing the software as "beta," companies
get useful feedback from users, while being able to pick and choose their
support battles.

It's one of the reasons that I got out of the PC business.



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions"
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.776.0096 fax