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> Hello everyone.--
> I just purchased the PLG-AN board for my sw1000xg card, and I have to
> say it's very impressive. I don't really understand it yet, but I'm
> working on it :).
> What I want to know is if anyone out there has a An1x/PlG-an board
> and a Ms2000(r), or has exp with both.
> I had a chance to play around with the ms2000r and walked away
> wanting one very badly awhile back. I haven't had much time to play
> with the AN board yet, so I really don't know how they compare.
> Will they compliment each other, or will the PLG-an board do pretty
> much what the Ms2000 can do?
> I want a unit with a Vocoder and a Input for filtering my Bass and
> Guitar. The Ms2000 has it but not the An1x. I have looked into the
> Waldorf MicroQ, but haven't had hands on exp with it yet.
> Also, quick newbie question:
> How do you get the PLG-AN to work inside Cakewalk 9. Any help will be
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kevin
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