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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] OT: Article on IEEE-1394

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-03-17

Hi Reggie,

Lets not confuse MIDI v2.0 with Open MIDI Plugin System (OMPS).

MIDI v2.0 is likely to be an enhancement to the transmission protocol.
Basically this will change the recommended Media (i.e. moving from the
31.25Kbits/s serial cable to 1394 bus at 400Mbits/s or more) and enhance the
actual protocol (i.e. break the 16 channel/port limit, 7bit/data limit and
add reliable time stamping). All of this is well overdue and therefore
thoroughly welcome. Yamaha appear to be at the forefront of this technology
with their mLan proposals.

[its worth noting that the article referenced in Jons post, highlights the
technical problems associated with the current crop of USB devices. There
have been several discussions on the reliability of USB devices within the
AN1x forum. During those discussions I have never been an advocate of MIDI
over USB. So I find it refreshing to see an independent article that lays
down the facts. Hopefully this will encourage more manufacturers to move to
1394 solutions and to stop pushing USB solutions that for the most part do
not work reliably under stress]

OMPS on the other hand does not affect the MIDI spec in any way. It is
simply a software plugin format (similar to DirectX or VST plugins for
audio). I have been working with Yamaha/Microsoft/Cakewalk on this format.
The aim is really to allow the MIDI functionality of sequencer products to
be enhanced by third party plugin components (So for instance third parties
can provide device editors, enhanced edit views, MIDI processors and other
MIDI data manipulation functions as simple plugins to existing sequencer
software). This will deliver timely support for new devices/MIDI formats etc
to end users within their chosen sequencing environments. OMPS can also
potentially deliver more flexible softsynths than are currently possible
under VST. This does not mean OMPS is intended as a replacement for
VST....its more of a complimentary technology.

So for example in future, it may be possible for me to provide editors
similar to XGedit/AN1xEdit that run directly within your
more Hubi cables or device conflicts etc and no need to export data to MIDI
etc for transfer to your sequencer. Instead the editor would be capable of
directly reading and writing the sequencers tracks, automating from playback
data and sending data directly via the sequencers MIDI ports.

Really the only tie in between OMPS and MIDI v2.0 is that OMPS has been
specified so as to be extensible and can accommodate larger numbers of
channels/higher data widths than the current MIDI specification.

The good news is ....that contrary to popular belief....MIDI is not dead!
For some time MIDI has appeared to be the poor relation to Audio
technologies as far as development is concerned. However with these recent
developments MIDI will get some of the attention it deserves and continue to
be a relevant factor in music production.


Gary Gregson
