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----- Original Message -----
Fra: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Til: <>
Sendt: 12. mars 2001 04:41
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] Enlightening exercise: Strawberry fields synth sound?
> Jim,
> >I thought the old synth the Beatles used on the intro to "Strawberry
> >fields" is interesting, how would you go about getting that sound? (was it
> >a mellotron, or even older synth?..I think I've seen pictures of it)
> >
> >I would love to hear the thought process you would go through to get in
> >the ballpark and how you would plan to get that sound.
> Boy, you could have found an easier first attempt! :^) This is a
> deceptive sound, appearing easy to duplicate, but actually possessing a lot
> of subtleties.
> The sound on the intro to "Strawberry Fields" is a Mellotron Mark II, using
> the flute recording that was part of the standard tape set. What makes
> this simulation difficult is the fact that the Mellotron is a sort of
> sampling synthesizer, so you are trying to simulate a synth with another
> synth. Also, the Mellotron had its own dominant timbre which permeated
> every sound, from violins to choirs to flutes. And finally, the Mellotron
> was not a chromatically-tuned instrument; the recordings were
> just-intonated, mostly in the key of A major. In any other key, they tend
> to sound a little off key on one or more of the notes. The following is
> the way I would approach the sound on ANY synth, AN1x or otherwise --
> I would start off by trying to simulate a flute sound, which is mostly a
> sine wave, except for the initial attack, which has a lot of high harmonic
> content, both tonal and atonal in nature. Start with a 50% duty pulse with
> the Edge at about 115, and set the FEG to a fast attack, fast decay, and a
> relatively low sustain level -- low enough to filter out most of the
> harmonics, but not so low as to mute the sound. Set the AEG to a similar
> shape, but set the sustain very high, maybe 118 or so. After some tweaking
> by ear, you should have a flute timbre that sounds good for mellow solos --
> think soft jazz, not Jethro Tull. You may find that adding a little noise
> to the mix improves the illusion, but use it sparingly. One VCO may be
> enough to create the sound; if you want to use the second one, set it to
> the same waveform, make it an octave above the first, about 25% of the
> original volume, with only a very slight fine pitch detune.
> Now, you need to "Mellotron-ize" the sound. First, as you already noted,
> the attack on the Mellotron was never very quick, owing to the nature of
> the tape system used in the instrument. Back the attack of both the FEG
> and AEG until you have a more calliope-like sound. If you want a good
> example -- Strawberry Fields is not the best one I can think of -- use the
> Dance of the Puppets section of King Crimson's "The Court of the Crimson
> King," which is actually the same sound on the same instrument. After
> that, you need to EQ the result to give it that hollow sound that the
> Mellotron was famous for -- add a little boost at 125Hz and 3.8kHz, and
> drop the 1kHz a little. The effect you're looking for is that of an old
> movie soundtrack. Then add a little slow flange to the mix, and a little
> PMOD using the same LFO speed, to simulate the wow and flutter that the
> tape drive caused. Use the pitch modulation sparingly, as the detuning was
> not all that noticeable.
> Finally, a little (mis-)tuning simulation is probably in order. Use one of
> the matrix controls to add a little fine pitch decrease based on key
> tracking, and if the end result causes the whole patch to go flat,
> compensate with the fine pitch controls on the VCOs.
> Regards,
> -BW
> --
> Bruce Wahler
> Design Consultant
> Ashby Solutions"
> CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> 978.386.7389 voice
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