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Subject: AN1x editor question

From: "Todd Gys" <tgys@...>
Date: 2000-04-19

I finally found this list...I've been searching for a while now! Anyway, I
have a problem. I recently hooked up my AN1x to my computer and tried using
the editor. Everything works fine with it until I try to request a voice
from the synth (upload it to the computer). Whenever I try this, I get a
"receive error" message on the computer. I know the midi out works on my
synth because I've been using it with a sequencer for a while and haven't
had a single problem. I'm assuming that the midi transmit channel should be
1. I'm pretty sure I've got everything hooked up right. Has anyone else
come across this problem? Any suggestions? The editor is a great program
but I feel like I'm only tapping into half of it's power because of this
problem. Thanks for any help!
