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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: VA question

From: "Tom" <tom@...>
Date: 2001-03-12

> > Are you serious about buying a french car???
> Have you seen the 206 CC? It's a convertible and coupé in one car, which
> ideal for here (rainy winters of around 15º C, spring and autumn of around
> 25º C, summer of up to 40º C). And it looks beautiful.

I really wanted to get a nice black 206gti - thought they looked really cool
but when I took my car to the garage there was a 206gti in the back. The
mechanic told me it hadn;t done 8000 miles and the engine had totally blown
up and the mechanic said the engine in the car was shit. (which is why it
blew up).

This put me off quite a lot. Then I saw on the ralley championships - all
the 206's had retired from the race cos they were all shagged.

But i still think it looks cool as fuck.
