Hi Joergen
> Now I have sold the JP-8, But i still have my SH-2.
too bad,
I think you are going to miss your JP-8.
I own 2 and I can't find it in my heart to sell even one of them.
> If you need unison to make a synth fat you synth isn't fat remember
> there are no Unison on a minimoog.
> By the way I think the Unison on the JP-8 stinks there's no detune
> parameter.
I think that the unison parameter on the JP-8 is
part of the natural magic sound creation.
remember, this is not a seperate effect,
it is a pure analog parameter and the JP-8 has the best unison
out of all the jupiters or any other synth.
to me it sounds so good and wild that Roland knew you don't need
to set the 'amount, like on the JP-6 or super-Jup.
it takes a regular Mono Jp-8 sound and makes it stereo with
spliting the lfo time and many other extras.
the wierd lush chorus effect is a pure analog VCO's and nothing more.
maby your old JP-8 was somehow with a problem ?
I also heard that all the Midi kits interacting with the main CPU and
'slowing' down the JP-8.
I installed a very basic design (Kurt keyboards)
and it has nothing to do with the CPU board.
it is basicly the 'keys' midi interface.
> Okay okay I agree that it's smarter to have a rack unit with full midi,
> but I disagree that a stereo output is necessary to make a fat sound.
2 is always better than one.
think of the recording process,
you can pan them and use different effects etc.
or even use the lfo to do a ping-pong effect.
in my book,
the Mini is the phattest mono and the Jup-8 is the phattest poly.
both are great and the pulse is kind of newer minimoog.
it doesn't have the mini VCO's or filter ( thank god it is different)
but it offers many other extras such as Midi,2 lfo's 3 VCO plus Noise
and ext input, srereo out and all the dynamics and modulations.
I wish the pulse plus came in a poly version as to me nothing else from
Waldorf sounds as cool as the pulse.
I also love the patch random feature.