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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Use both AN1x and The Waldorf's Pulse!

From: traun@...
Date: 2001-03-11

Paul Nagle wrote:

> On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 05:28:02 +0100, traun@... wrote:
> >If you want, I can make you some wav recordings of bass sounds on a
> SH2.
> My SH-2 sounded thin and nasally, nowhere near as good as, say, my
> Roland System 101 keyboard (1 osc!).
> Then again, we all have different ears and different tastes and
> different programming styles....and my Pulse sounds superb even with
> just 1 Osc as a bass machine.
> Oops, here I go, new to the list and already I'm filling it with
> shite. Sorry all, I'll go back to lurking again,
> Paul

No problemmo :-) You said you SH-2 sounded thin and nasal, maybe you are
using to much resonance. The resonance is wild on the SH-2 compared with
system 101 (I assume it's the RS-101 stringer you are talking about) so
use it with caution. Another possibility is that Roland have made
different versions of the SH-2.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]