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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Use both AN1x and The Waldorf's Pulse!

From: traun@...
Date: 2001-03-11

leo wrote:

> Heu Joergen,
> I do own some old roland synths
> including all the Jupiters and some Sh series.
> to me any jupiter 8 will kill any SH series when it comes to phatness.

I owned a JP-8 to, an also think it's pretty fat, but I presume you
haven't heard the SH-2? the most fat SH ever made. I had both the JP-8
an the SH-2 once both with a kenton midi interface, an I always end up
using the SH-2 more than the JP-8 because the VCO´s on the SH-2 is
fatter than the ones on the JP-8 there's tree of them the filter can
self oscillate and it sounds a lot better than the filter on the JP-8
especially in the Bass.
Now I have sold the JP-8, But i still have my SH-2.

> only the unison mode will take care of it.

If you need unison to make a synth fat you synth isn't fat remember
there are no Unison on a minimoog.
By the way I think the Unison on the JP-8 stinks there's no detune

> I even got to play for a while with the SH5 and SH7

Me to, but the SH7 is not fat. you properly noticed that each member of
the SH series sounded different.

> Now, let's assume that the old Roland synths like the SH5 or 7 or 3 or
> 2
> are realy phat, ( and they are in their own way)
> The Pulse plus is only a 2 rack space and have full midi...
> what about the modulation abilities and the Dynamics ?
> not to mention the stereo outs.
> all these factors do count when you compare the 'phatness'
> in any 2 synths.
> again,
> in my humble view this makes it a better choice,
> don't you agree ?

Okay okay I agree that it's smarter to have a rack unit with full midi,
but I disagree that a stereo output is necessary to make a fat sound.
What really matters is the sound of the VCO´s and the sound of the
Filters, and this is were the Pulse lacks compared with the old ones in
my opinion, anyway synthesizer choices is always a matter of taste, an
if you are satisfy with it cool :-).


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