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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] FM synthesis with Faders

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2001-03-11

Hey Leo, from what I've heard, the Sherman Filterbank could make your
Grandmother's farts sound like a Jupiter 8. :∗)

Anyway, I admire your quest for new sounds!

----- Original Message -----
From: "leo" <tubeman@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] FM synthesis with Faders

> I own a DX-7 IIFD and the TX-802 FM synths
> I bought the DX-7 New when it came out in 1983 .
> While they are very cool synths,
> Unlike analog synths with faders, when you need to tweek something..
> it is a nightmare.
> I found an old Yamaha PSR-36 that is a 'home' keyboard with a 2 op FM
> synth built in,
> Unlike the 'heavy' FM synths this PSR-36 has 6 Faders to control and
> edit new sounds.
> this is the first time I actually edit FM sounds theu Faders.
> I know that it is very limited but it is rewarding as I created some
> really cool FM sounds ( in few seconds !!!)
> and you can save some of them to the built in ram .
> So,
> I bought some other PSR synth from a local garage sale...
> try the PSS-680, 520 etc.
> they even have a programable PCM drum machine and bass/chords acomp with
> many different
> settings.
> on some you can edit the Bass FM sound.
> It is like toys with hidden potential and Midi.
> I ran the sounds thru the Sherman FilterBank and it finally sounded
> unique enough and extremely powerful.
> not bad for keyboard under $100.00 !
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