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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: VA question

From: "Bastiaan van de Werk" <Hajee@...>
Date: 2001-03-10

Are you serious about buying a french car???

I'm about to buy either a nova or virus (maybe the rack version) to upgrade
my setup too...I find using only one VA in my setup (besides my cs2x and
sampler) is just not enough....I allways have to resort to sampled version
of many of my sounds (which in some cases makes em sound better, rougher)
And I must say the nova all look very tasty indeed and are pretty cheap too
(anybody know what european dealer delivers virusses, musiciansgear doesnt')

Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards,

Bastiaan van de Werk
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: VA question

> From: "Sayer" <sayerseely@...>
> > --- Jerry <jerrya3@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > If you had to lose them all except the AN1x and one
> > > other, which would it be? Or to put it differently, which complements
> > > the AN1x best? (Both tonally and in terms of features.)
> >
> > This is a tough one because each person has their own preferences in
> an
> > functionality.... If I could only have an An1x and another synth I would
> > probably buy a Yamaha EX5R. It would give me the greatest sound
> May I vouch for the EX5 instead of the EX5R? I've had the module, and now
> have the (silver) keyboard.
> Each synthesiser, at least the ones with a keyboard, has it's own,
> sound that signifies that synthesiser. For the EX5, it really shines at
> strings and pads. It has many wonderful sounds, but I feel that those are
> the signifying sounds.
> Which raises an interesting question: what is that signifying sound for
> AN1x? I would imagine one of those sharp leads, which you can play
> lighting-fast (well, maybe you, not me :) ).
> > If I had other sources for non-VA sounds and I could have the AN1x and
> > other VA, at this point I would probably get the Virus b. Two weeks ago
> would
> > have said the Novation Nova because it is easy to use and has great
> dedicated
> > effects for each multi-part. I just got the Virus b and found it to be a
> little
> > more difficult to use in some aspects, but it has alot to offer. They
> hard
> > to get though. I waited about 2.5 months to get mine.
> The Virus is great. It has a very high "fun to play with" value.
> I would go for the Supernova II, though. I tried them both, and don't
> prefer the one of the other regarding sound, but the Novation feels easier
> to use, and looks far better (although beauty is in the eye of the
> beholder).
> > So, there you have it.... All of them are great. Eventually you will
> probably
> > want to own them all. :-)
> I think I'm going to buy a Peugeot 206 CC first. Well, I would love to.
> have to see if I can afford it.
> - Peter
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