We upgraded one of our An1x's because they sent it to us without us asking,
but we noticed zero difference.. so I haven't bothered upgrading the other
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Korsten [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 1:37 PM
To: AN1x list
Subject: [AN1x-list] Why upgrade?
For all of you who want that upgrade, take a few things into account:
- Your AN1x is working fine
- The upgrade doesn't add any new features and only fixes a few very minor
- There's a definite danger in upgrading.
This is not like an upgrade from Windows 95 to 98. You don't get anything
As for the danger, I just read on the EX5 discussion board that someone
replaced the floppy by a Zip drive into it, but decided to put the floppy
back. When he was assembling the EX5, the lid fell down on the
(The thing is rather heavy.)
The EX5 was dead, and he discovered that two pins of a small chip were
touching. He pulled them apart and although the synth does a bit more now,
it still acts funny, all the patches are garbled and a factory reset does
not help. I haven't checked if there's a change in his situation, but this
guy has a serious problem.
So, just consider for yourself, is it worth taking this risk, of ruining a
perfectly good working instrument, for something that doesn't do anything?
I know darn well I'm not going to change ∗anything∗ with my version 1.02.
Has it ever let me down? Never! So why bother?
- Peter
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