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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Use both AN1x and The Waldorf's Pulse!

From: RayMaxer <digil@...>
Date: 2001-03-10

Yeah , Pulse seems to be great for some leads and bass.
How much is new Pulse nowadays ? Btw - in fact it will be getting harder to
find new one as they stopped producing them until (at least) summer because of
shortage of something ... So only old stocks can be found new now ..

Marlon Jürs wrote:

> The Sound of the Pulse is very different to the AN1X. It's real analog and
> it's very fat. If there's anyone of you producig arpeggio-trance-stuff: try
> putting a fat raw saw-sound of the Pulse over a big An1X-Arpeggio-Sound
> (much chorus, timing-delay and a bit reverb). It's great! The Pulse
> "fattens" the sound up!
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