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----- Original Message -----
Fra: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Til: <>
Sendt: 8. mars 2001 22:58
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] noise...what is it good for..HUH..say it again!
> Jim,
> >Just wondering...the white noise generator, since it isn't melodic,
> >there a way to combine it with the voice that doesn't just sound
> >like noise tacked on?
> Sometimes, you WANT noise tacked on to the sound, to give it an edgier
> feel. A good example is that pulse behind the song in "Special" by Garbage.
Thats what I figured. I thought maybe one could shape the noise by itself, maybe with
the BEF or something and get some interesting sounds...I might try just to see.
> When you want to more melodic sound, try setting the filter to BPF, and
> setting the Resonance fairly high -- but not to the point of
> self-oscillation. Of course, this means that any other waves in the sound
> also get a BPF "bath," so you might want to use a dual configuration, and
> give the noise generator its own filter and EG's.
Excellent...this is the kind of thing I am looking to find out. After squinting at the shematic on page 5 of the data manual (I just enlarged it at work today..) for a while last night I was able to make a few more interesting sounds. Still sound very "synthy" or "organ"-like..I did play with attack a bit and got some interesting backwards sounding effect..but as you mention...this is sidetracking..I really would like to make a few flute-like sounds but haven't gotten close yet.
How would I use a dual you mean two scenes? Could you (It's fine if you don't feel like it..I know this kind of thing is time consuming to write, and it's always hard to know how ignorant I am :-) go into a little more detail? Just some of the key settings, especially routing and hooking up of the modules? THis is where I get stuck...and I am nowhere near "up to speed" yet on these.
Getting no sleep whatsoever :-)
> >Another thing...could someone the AN1x a subtractive synth?
> >Can someone give me the whole description of what type of synth this is? I
> >read at a lot of the synth sites about generic types...additive,
> >subtractive, etc. an am not sure.
> The AN1x is a digital "physical modeling" synthesizer that emulates an
> analog subtractive instrument. (Whew!) Normally, subtractive synths use
> waveforms that are rich in harmonics like sawtooth and square/pulse, and
> then use filtering to remove unwanted harmonics. Additive synths, OTOH,
> tend to use sine waves only, as they are trying to go in the other
> direction -- creating complex waves out of the sum of their harmonics, and
> all harmonics can be expressed as sine waves. (It is possible to use
> complex waveforms in additive synthesis, but the results are often
> difficult to manage.)
> >Also is the FM in the AN1x different than the Fm Yamaha came out with on
> >the earlier models mentioned in the literature on synths in general?
> The AN1x also has the ability to create FM synthesis, although the
> combinations (algorithms) provided are extremely simple, when compared to
> an FM-only synth. Most FM synths use sine waves only, although the Yamaha
> TX-81z allowed waves with "medium" harmonic density, as well as sine waves.
> Regards,
> -BW
> --
> Bruce Wahler
> Design Consultant
> Ashby Solutions"
> CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> 978.386.7389 voice
> 978.776.0096 fax
> bruce@...
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