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Subject: Re: Software Version

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-03-07

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Bruce Wahler <bruce@a...> wrote:
> Jon,
> Thanks for the info.
> >CC 32 Bank Select is not implemented in the AN1x ('X' not 'O') -
> >is a design limitation not a 'bug'. :-/
> OK, it's a "feature." ;^) The bug, then, is in the display: if
you set a

"feature" ha haha LOL And I thought "design limitation" was pushing
the envelope ;-)

> Control item (ex: MW) to CC#0, the display says "off," which makes
> if you set it to CC#32 it says "-------" just like CC#4, 12, 13, 40-
49, 66,
> 67, 84, 88, 89, 92, and 95 do -- and they all get transmitted.
> Also, that MIDI Implementation Chart doesn't seem to directly apply
> "master controller" messages from the AN1x. It has an 'X' next to
> 67, and 84 in both the TX and RX, yet I send CC#66 and CC#67
through Knob 7
> and 8 to adjust my EFX unit all the time, and it works perfectly.
> MIDI implementation chart does not have enough info to tell the
whole story.

That's interesting - I can't recall ever trying to assign so many
unused MIDI CC's for TX or RX as you have. Never had a need to...but
it's useful information to know. Particularly that the Data List is
incorrect...good catch!

Back to CC 032 though - isn't it typically tranmitted in a pair with
MSB/LSB followed by a program change? Example: 032 001 000 for Bank
Select, Bank, Program number? Perhaps this why the duel nature of the
Assign knobs, i.e., MIDI CC + Value, are ineffective for CC 032 but
not for the unassigned MIDI CC's such as 066 or 067?

> >You'll need to use some time of rechanneling for program changes to
> >include a bank select command. For example, when I'm in
> >editing/sequencing mode I just use Logic Audio to issue the
> >MSB/LSB/Prog commands to my ASR-X Pro sampler. This has the benefit
> >of allowing me to select programs in the ASR-X by name (and what a
> >pain in the butt that was to setup in advance.) When I'm in 'get
> >idea down quickly' mode - I issue all my program changes manually.
> >
> >If you're looking at using the AN1x as a controller in an extensive
> >rig of MIDI Module you ∗may∗ want to consider a MIDI Patch bay that
> >allows you to rechannel program change commands. Alternatively, you
> >could could always reprogram your AN1x & slave module(s) to respond
> >to your patch change commands in seq order.
> >
> >At least this is how I'd go about it...Sayer has quite a bit of
> >- maybe he has a better idea :-)
> >
> >Or, perhaps you already thought of all this and were just hoping
> >AN1x accomodate CC 032 to get around it ;-)
> Actually, I just wanted to use the AN1x to control another synth,
> prefer to use CC#'s that don't accidentally mess up the current
AN1x patch
> in the process. I have an Alesis S4 and a Quadraverb 2 slaved to
the AN1x,
> and I use these "orphan" CC#'s to modulate the S4/Q2. (ex: The FV
pedal is
> set to CC#45, because I don't want it to affect the AN1x.) I use
> to call up patches when sequencing, and it supports bank
selection. (I
> also went through the pain of programming the names of all the
patches in
> CW. Luckily, it can be done in a text-based file, so I was able to
> cut-and-paste a little.)

We're on the same page...I typically use MIDI CC 002 and 012 for
realtime mod's on my ASR-X Pro (ususually use 012 for the ASR-X FX

> I also have a nifty little device called a MIDI Solutions Router
> allows me to re-channel any MIDI command that I like. Right now, I
use the
> AN1x keyboard to control the synth on CH2, some portions of the S4
on CH1,
> and the lower manual of a KORG CX-3 on CH3, but I have all AN1x
> commands going to CH2, regardless of where they originate.
> I've learned to work around CC#32, but it was good for a wasted 20
min, the
> first time I tried!

Oh, okay - you mean you rechannel by keyboard zone! Very useful. I
once had a Korg Wavestation that was brilliant at that type of thing
but my personal favorite was an Opcode Studio 4. And everybody is
probably sick of my saying I never should have sold the Studio 4 -
and now I'm feeling nostalgic for the Korg WS too ;-)

(Someone on the list was just looking for a MIDI Merge box I
think...MIDI Solutions came up a couple of times in the discussion so
whoever was looking might take note of Bruce's kind words...)
