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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Software Version

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2001-03-07


Thanks for the info.

>CC 32 Bank Select is not implemented in the AN1x ('X' not 'O') - this
>is a design limitation not a 'bug'. :-/

OK, it's a "feature." ;^) The bug, then, is in the display: if you set a
Control item (ex: MW) to CC#0, the display says "off," which makes sense;
if you set it to CC#32 it says "-------" just like CC#4, 12, 13, 40-49, 66,
67, 84, 88, 89, 92, and 95 do -- and they all get transmitted.

Also, that MIDI Implementation Chart doesn't seem to directly apply to
"master controller" messages from the AN1x. It has an 'X' next to CC#66,
67, and 84 in both the TX and RX, yet I send CC#66 and CC#67 through Knob 7
and 8 to adjust my EFX unit all the time, and it works perfectly. That
MIDI implementation chart does not have enough info to tell the whole story.

>You'll need to use some time of rechanneling for program changes to
>include a bank select command. For example, when I'm in
>editing/sequencing mode I just use Logic Audio to issue the
>MSB/LSB/Prog commands to my ASR-X Pro sampler. This has the benefit
>of allowing me to select programs in the ASR-X by name (and what a
>pain in the butt that was to setup in advance.) When I'm in 'get the
>idea down quickly' mode - I issue all my program changes manually.
>If you're looking at using the AN1x as a controller in an extensive
>rig of MIDI Module you ∗may∗ want to consider a MIDI Patch bay that
>allows you to rechannel program change commands. Alternatively, you
>could could always reprogram your AN1x & slave module(s) to respond
>to your patch change commands in seq order.
>At least this is how I'd go about it...Sayer has quite a bit of gear
>- maybe he has a better idea :-)
>Or, perhaps you already thought of all this and were just hoping the
>AN1x accomodate CC 032 to get around it ;-)

Actually, I just wanted to use the AN1x to control another synth, and
prefer to use CC#'s that don't accidentally mess up the current AN1x patch
in the process. I have an Alesis S4 and a Quadraverb 2 slaved to the AN1x,
and I use these "orphan" CC#'s to modulate the S4/Q2. (ex: The FV pedal is
set to CC#45, because I don't want it to affect the AN1x.) I use Cakewalk
to call up patches when sequencing, and it supports bank selection. (I
also went through the pain of programming the names of all the patches in
CW. Luckily, it can be done in a text-based file, so I was able to use
cut-and-paste a little.)

I also have a nifty little device called a MIDI Solutions Router that
allows me to re-channel any MIDI command that I like. Right now, I use the
AN1x keyboard to control the synth on CH2, some portions of the S4 on CH1,
and the lower manual of a KORG CX-3 on CH3, but I have all AN1x patch
commands going to CH2, regardless of where they originate.

I've learned to work around CC#32, but it was good for a wasted 20 min, the
first time I tried!



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions"
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.776.0096 fax