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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: AN1x Top Note DEAD on Mac(FIXED)

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-03-06

Lucky I jumped in with both boots on, I'm a PC VST5/32 user and I wasn't
sure which features are the same in both, I assumed that they must have
all of the same features. I wonder if mac users get the same bugs in
VST as pc users? It would be nice to know if you have any bugs in your
mac version of vst for a comparison with the bugs that are in the pc

In article <B6CA90CA.1FA2%tspeer@...>, tspeer <tspeer@...>
>> If you are using VST 5 I think that you may find that you need to go and
>> have a look at your key command preferences, as C6 is usually set to
>> remote active, just untick the remote key!
>Reggie was right (insert Homer Simpson "DU-OH !!!!!")
>It was a Preset Key command Preference- I unclicked it and Viola ! There was
>sound from C6 !!!
>and thanks to Ed too (luckily the Midi problem was not serious enough to
>need a sniffer).
>It's the old problem- Cubase is SO powerful that it has tons of features
>which in turn means it has TONS of MENUS- and that was one menu I had not
>ventured into yet.

See ya,
