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Subject: Hello...Already I got questions :-)

From: "J Acker" <jacker@...>
Date: 2001-03-06


I just joined this group. I have skimmed through the archives in order to minimize
my newbie questions.

I am an American living in Norway. I'm 44 now, and been playing guitar since I was
15. As of a couple years ago, I started building up a home studio with my limited funds.
In my sig is the links to my first attempt at a CD (the whole thing is in MP3 on the list)
and some more recent stuff at the other link in the sig.

I just last Saturday bought a used AN1x. I paid about $780 for it (I know...I know, but..)
and the reason is I live here in Norway, and had trouble even finding one to buy! Prices are
higher here...I could have shopped around and gotten one sent maybe, but I actually played this one so...

This is the first Synth I have ever owned. I studied electronics and got an AS degree, so I understand theoretically the main is very much like what I am used to working with, EXCEPT in practice..I am having a hard time. :-) I haven't quite got the whole picture yet with the different ways of configuring the FM into the VCO, etc..

One other thing...rightnow my AN1x is being used stand MIDI, no PC hookup. I probably will have to keep it this way for a good while. I don't mind, but I am sure it will make my life a little harder.

Often end up twisting knobs and make no change in the sound...either a parameter that isn't even in the picture because something else is closed down or a module that isn't hooked up maybe..?

Anyway, I have more questions certainly later but for right now...mainly..(keeping in mind I have no PC I can't use the nice interface programs)

1) Is there an easy way to find out what different parameters are assigned to controllers?
So far it seems I can go to the parameters, and see a "set" and then find out which controller is set to it...but if I, for example want to see what the Mod Wheel is assigned to, is there a way to do that?

2) I noticed mail on "popping on power up" and I have experienced this. Only when it is cold. If I have it warmed up and turn it off and on again it doesn't pop/click. But from cold startup it does it intermittently for about a minute or two. Is this a problem? Is there any damage that can come from it or is it normal?

3) Do I understand correctly that you cannot save "common" matrix settings in a scene?

4) I am still a little confused about saving...if I tweak scene 1 for patch 025, adn make changes. Does it save if I just hit save while also hittin scene 1? OR do I also have to hit save twice to save the whole patch?

5) Any resource that goes a little more in depth (I would prefer verbose!) in operation, theory,
tips and tricks on the AN1x? (again..I can't at the moment download patches...)

6) How many folks here are like me and don't have a PC/sequencer/etc hooked up but are using
the aN1x standalone ? Hello ? helllloooo? Or am I alone?

Thanks in advance for answering any or all these questions...I love this unit and the possibilities. Even though I don't really do synth music yet (you can hear it at my web sites) but for spice... All keyboards on my site so far are done only with my Roland E-28 synth yet. Last night I recorded something I like a lot..made me glad I bought this!

Thanks all ,


James R. Acker
jacker@... listen to my music at.....
My first CD "Tabasco Road" can be heard at
(With thanks to Mike Jones for hosting it)
My current songs can be now heard at my site: