Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Sustain pedal

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2001-02-20


>Would using it for after touch be viable?

You can set the pedal to mimic aftertouch, but bear in mind that the
regular aftertouch will still operate. Maybe this is what you want, but if
you're doing it because you don't like the feel of aftertouch, you'll still
have to deal with it.

One more thing: There are TWO different standards for a "wah" type pedal
with a stereo (TRS) cable, Yamaha's way, and the rest of the world. (OK, a
few KORG devices like the new CX-3 use the Yamaha convention, too, but
that's probably because Yamaha now owns 30% of KORG.) If you want to use a
Yamaha pedal like the FC-7 with a Roland keyboard, you have to cut the plug
off, and put a new one on, reversing the 'tip' and 'ring' connections. For
those who care --

Yamaha Others

Tip Power Wiper
Ring Wiper Power
Sleeve Ground Ground



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions"
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.776.0096 fax