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Subject: Re: does anyone know what units the LFO speeds are?

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-02-16

Hi Reg,
In case you missed it - we just had this discussion about a week - two
weeks - ago and nobody has the answer as to what the LFO Speed values
equate to in Hz. Not even Gary. Yamaha did not (would not?) provide him
that info when he made AN1xEdit. I emailed Yamaha Customer Assistance
last week asking them this very same question. I got a reply that my
question had been passed along to Yamaha Japan and YCA would get back
to me when the have a response from Japan.

So there you have it. ;-)


--- In AN1x-list@y..., Reggie <reggie@t...> wrote:
> Hello all, does anyone know what they are? Are they in Hz?
> TIA.
> --
> Reggie