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Subject: Re: MIDI Interfaces - avoid USB?

From: dkblade@...
Date: 2001-02-15

Hey there,

I really don't see how the interface between the PC and the MIDI port
could make a difference. USB supports over 100Mbps transfer rate,
compared to 112Kbps of serial and 5Mbps of parallel. Er...greater
bandwith = higher timing resolutions possible = more accurate. But
it's besides the point. The timing is determined by either your
sequencing software or your master midi clock, not by interface.

The only reason not to get USB midi port is possible
incompatibilities with software, but mine works great :)


Paul Kabzinski

--- In AN1x-list@y..., C Stone <chris.stone@s...> wrote:
> Current best advice seems to be that USB is not necessarily the
best connnection
> for MIDI
> I have been told that when ranked according to potential timing
> connection types for external MIDI interfaces are ordered as
> 1. Serial - 'best', apparently
> 2. Parallel
> 3. USB
> So I'm gonna get a Midiman BiPort while there's still some left on
the shelves
> But has anyone anything else to add to this thread?
> CS
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]