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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] MIDI Interfaces - avoid USB?

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2001-02-13

Hi All,

I'm using a Roland S-MPU64 USB 4in/4out MIDI Interface on G4 Mac without any
timing concerns.


In article <3A87C329.8F69CD6B@...>, C Stone
<chris.stone@...> writes
>Current best advice seems to be that USB is not necessarily the best
>for MIDI
>I have been told that when ranked according to potential timing accuracy,
>connection types for external MIDI interfaces are ordered as follows:
>1. Serial - 'best', apparently
>2. Parallel
>3. USB
>So I'm gonna get a Midiman BiPort while there's still some left on the
>But has anyone anything else to add to this thread?