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Subject: Re: Midi Interfaces in Win2000 ??

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-02-10

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Roland van Oorschot <rolando@c...> wrote:
> At 16:30 09-02-2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >Damn ±@£¢€ I can't understand how companies like Yamaha or Roland
> >don't develop their drivers on NT or 2000 platform. What the hell is
> >the probleme with that.
> Yamaha nor Roland (read: synthesizer-manufacturers) have nothing to do wi=
> that.
> It's the midi-interface manufacturer who's to blame.
> >If you develop a driver for 98/ME/95, it's
> >not really hard to make the same thing for NT !!! arggght it's so
> >cheezy.
> I did some programming, and yes, it is hard.
> The structure of Windows 9x is totally different than Windows NT based
> platforms. It might have the same GUI but internally it's a whole other s=
> R.

Correct me if I'm mistaken but, doesn't Microsoft market Win95/98/ME as
'consumer' products where as NT and 2K are considered coportate
solutions? Is this accurate? If so, wouldn't it make sense for
companies such as MIDIMAN to assume the larger number of potential
customers would use 95/98/ME - not NT/2K? As Roland implied the time &
effort spent on developing drivers for each 'platform' - even though it
all Windows - requires some effort (and costs money too!) Are they
going to sell enough units to develop/test/qa for each of Win95/98/ME/

Make sense?


p.s. - I noticed that Echo Audio ∗appears∗ to be on a 6-month schedule
for releasing updated Mac ASIO drivers for their products. I just
downloaded their latest. Funny how they seem to be in a perpetual Beta
'state'. Think they'll ever have the nerve to "commit" to a supported
release level! haha ha ha ;-)