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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Midi Interfaces in Win2000 ??

From: Roland van Oorschot <rolando@...>
Date: 2001-02-09

At 16:30 09-02-2001 +0000, you wrote:
>Damn ±@£¢¤ I can't understand how companies like Yamaha or Roland
>don't develop their drivers on NT or 2000 platform. What the hell is
>the probleme with that.

Yamaha nor Roland (read: synthesizer-manufacturers) have nothing to do with
It's the midi-interface manufacturer who's to blame.

>If you develop a driver for 98/ME/95, it's
>not really hard to make the same thing for NT !!! arggght it's so

I did some programming, and yes, it is hard.
The structure of Windows 9x is totally different than Windows NT based
platforms. It might have the same GUI but internally it's a whole other story.



