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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] plg editor in cubase?

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-02-07


err...Jon....this may be one for your web site tips :-)

It is possible to use AN1xEdit (and XGedit) together with Cubase 5.0. The
main problem is ensuring you have multiclient drivers for your MIDI
port/device such that both apps can access the ports simultaneously. (for
those using AN1xEdit with PLG150AN ....I guess you are using the SW1000XG
card? In which case make sure you have the latest multi client drivers for
the card i.e. drivers later than V2.2.2.

Also note that the SW1000XG drivers are multi client on output ONLY. So you
can have two apps share the MIDI outs...but only one accessing the MIDI IN!

The other option people often want is to record XGedit/An1xEdit control
movements directly into Cubase. This is possible using a Pipe driver such as
Hubis or MIDIYoke. Normally I would recommend some setups whereby you route
XGedit/An1xEdit data thru Cubase. However since you are using Cubase 5, I am
afraid these will not work. Cubase 5 MIDI thru function appears to be
broken.....if you thru sysex via Cubase 5 you get garbage. (I have had
various reports that the latest public beta releases of VST5 fix this
problem....but not reliably...the problem now appears to be intermittent.
This problem affects all external editors and remote control devices that
use sysex :-(

Even when VSTs MIDI thru function was working (in 3.7) another problem
existed, in that the thru sysex size of VST is restricted to 512bytes. This
is OK for XG data and AN1x parameter changes...but not large enough to thru
AN1x bulk data!

So I would recommend you use the following setup:

The main problem you need to overcome is getting three applications to talk
to the SW simultaneously (i.e. VST, XGedit and An1xEdit). The SW drivers are
multi client....but only allow two applications at a time to talk to the
synth output (and only one to talk to the input). Therefore you need to use
Hubis to allow all apps access.

Hubis comes in two parts:

a) An installable driver that provides the LB1 - LB4 virtual MIDI ports.

b) The Hwmdcable.exe program that can be used to connect virtual MIDI ports
to real MIDI ports.

What you need to do first is install the driver part of the archive. To do

1) If you haven't already done so, first unpack the Hubi ZIP archive to a
suitable temporary folder. If you have the archive already unpacked on CD
etc, then just go to step 2.

2) Go to Control Panel and select the 'Add New Hardware' applet.

3) Step thru the hardware wizard until you get to the screen that asks if
you want to search for the hardware or select it from a list. Choose the
"No, I want to select the hardware from a list" option and press next.

4) Scroll down the list and select 'Sound Video and Games controllers" then
click next.

5) On the next screen select the 'Have Disk' button, then use the Browse
button to locate the folder where the Hubi programs are located. You should
find a file called OEMSETUP.INF there. Select it in the Open file dialog and
press OK.

6) Thereafter just follow the hardware wizard prompts until Hubi is

You will then need to restart your machine. When it has rebooted you should
find that the ports LB1 to LB4 are available for selection in MIDI programs.

Now Setup as follows:

OutB=SW1000#2 Synth


Run a copy of Hubi Hwmdcable.exe:
Out=SW1000#1 Synth
(this connects both An1xEdit and XGedit outputs to the SW1000#1 Synth port)

Now Run Cubase SetupMME program and setup the following drivers:

SW1000 MIDI IN - enable
LB1 - Enable
LB2 - Enable
LB3 - Disable
LB4 - Disable

SW1000#1 Synth - enable
SW1000#2 Synth - enable
SW1000 MIDI OUT - enable
LB1 - Disable
LB2 - Disable
LB3 - Enable
LB4 - Enable

Now run Cubase:

Go to VST Options MIDI setup and ensure that LB1 is ticked in the MIDI
Inputs drop down box.(This will connect the output of XGedit and An1xEdit to
the input of VST via the Hubi driver LB1), This allows you to record the
output of both programs in real time if you desire!

GO to VST Options Midi Filter and ensure that all RECORD filtering boxes are
un-checked (in particular SYSEX). However make sure that the THRU sysex
filter box is checked. This allows VST to record sysex from
XGedit/An1xEdit...but prevents it from being thru'd (as VST5s MIDI thru will
just corrupt the data).

GO to VST Options and ensure that play in background is checked. This allows
VST to continue working even when XGedit/An1xEdit is the foreground

Note that VST saves some MIDI port and filter configurations with each song
(.ALL file). Hence you may wish to make the above settings and then save as
DEF.ALL to your VST install folder. Thereafter VST will always have the
correct settings when you create new songs (although you may need to make
the necessary adjustments in older songs).

Using this setup you will notice that only two applications are talking
directly to any one of the SW1000 output everything should be
fine (if you get 'Device already in use' messages, make sure you have the
latest multi client SW drivers from the Yamaha support site

Also note if you are using PLG150AN that An1xEdit must be running in
PLG150AN mode (select from its Setup menu). The PART dial (just above the on
screen keyboard) determines which XG part is replaced (default is part 1).
The CH dial determines which MIDI channel is used (default is 1). The BOARD
and DEVICE dials should both be set to 1 for the SW1000 as a host.

If you need to refresh your setup, always perform a refresh synth from
XGedit first (from the Utils menu) then perform a refresh synth from the
An1xEdit menu (Utils menu). This ensures that the XG parts are configured
before the PLG150AN information is sent.

Note you don't need the input of XGedit/AN1xEdit connected up....since VST
is handling all input. Also there is no point in connecting the input to
AN1xEdit with the PLG card...since you cannot request bulk dumps from the



-----Original Message-----
From: elektro_dan@... [mailto:elektro_dan@...]
Sent: 07 February 2001 09:36
Subject: [AN1x-list] plg editor in cubase?


is there anyway to use the plg150an editor(made by gary g.) in cubase
vst 5.0? is it possible to have both going at the same time?

if anyone knows how, let me know. thank you.

i'd like to say thanks to all those people who took the time out
of their busy days to answer my other questions.

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