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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] moving voices

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-02-05


- Open all the libraries you want to work on simultaneously in An1xEdit

- Select (highlight) the patches you want in the source library (note you
can have discontiguous selections using the CTRL key)

- Select 'Copy Selected Voices' from the Edit menu (or press CRTL+C)

- Move to the destination library by clicking on its tab

- Select (highlight) the start location patch number where you want the
voices to go.

- Select "Paste Voices" from the edit menu (CTRL+V). The voices will be
pasted in sequentially starting at the selected location.

- Repeat until done :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: elektro_dan@... [mailto:elektro_dan@...]
Sent: 05 February 2001 17:50
Subject: [AN1x-list] moving voices

is there anyway to move voices from one an1x document to another?
say i want to put all my bass sounds in one document and my pad sounds
in another. can it be done?