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Subject: Re: SV: SV: [AN1x-list] Percussion kit Patch

From: jsbedard@...
Date: 2001-02-02

Okay dudes! Let mer explain: i've made a really kicking bassdum for
goa music. AN1x can produce very impressive percussions sounds! But
you have to configure the knobs to produce them, and that's the
problem now for me...I have to sample my sounds because my only
machine is a AN1x. I work in sample mode.

I'm looking for AN1x files that contains sounds of cymbals, drums and
others percussives that i can edit and then record in wav format.
Could someone help me to find that an1x files ???????


--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Jonas Nilsson" <josnin98@s...> wrote:
> >>>
> > Well ... I'd say that AN-1x can produce really good sounding
BD's ... usual trance kind and goa ones too ... (PEG is very useful
for that)
> >>>
> Yep, you're right Ray. The AN1x can produce good percussion sounds.
But I think there are synthesizers that are better suited for that.
For BD's the good old Stomper does an excellent job. AN sync sounds
make good percussion too.
> MHO, Jonas.