Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: To any users of my scripts
From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-02-01
ion 5.01 S <45LC7CHE+SQ9BjnBEdI6Q2hE+4>
Hello all, I was wondering if any of you had noticed that you can remote
control my script files, or more specifically any object on the Midi
Track Mixer? It is very simple to do, and gives you a Matrix type
nction, but with a much larger scope. If say you have fatboy you can
assign all the knobs to a set of functions for one remote page, then
create another page with more functions that you want access to and so
on. When you want to automate a function s
imply pull up the remote map
that you want from the pull down library.
I am talking about generic remote control, look for the CTM Mixer, the
manual explains how to use it pretty easily, If anyone gets stuck give
me a shout.
See ya,