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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Re: plg150an editor unit values to HZ conversion?

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-01-26

Jon wrote:
Check page 8 of the AN1x Data List pamphlet - you'll find Parameter Tables
that translate the Data value to the equivalent value in Hz for the LFO
Frequency, EQ, Reverbs, etc.

Actually the LFO values on p8 of the data list only apply to the effect
units of the AN1x (and since these are not present on the PLG150AN...then
they are not relevant). Even if the table on p8 did relate to the LFO
modules of the AN sound generator, they would be incomplete (i.e. the table
only shows values up to 159, whereas the LFO modules range from 1 - 256).

Unfortunately the values the original poster (elektro) is asking for are not
defined in the user manual/data list. Neither could I get a list of what the
values represent from Yamaha when I was writing An1xEdit (otherwise I would
have included the units in the user I did with parameters
where the units are defined!). Hence I directed elektro to this list, on the
chance that somebody has actually measured these values and has a definitive

[On a personal note, I have never found that I actually need to know the
units of these just twiddle them until you get sound you

